The focus for the next two weeks is on preparing for the midterm. I'm working on developing some quizzes to help you in that regard.
A D3 Viewer for Matplotlib Visualizations and Matplotlib Tutorial ? mpl-tutorial 0.1 documentation D3 Plugins: Truly Interactive Matplotlib In Your Browser
Jake VandePlas' tutorials are great:
Matplotlib Tutorial - Jake VanderPlas on Vimeo (SciPy 2012), companion website: Matplotlib Tutorial - mpl-tutorial 0.1 documentation, and github repo: jakevdp/mpl_tutorial
Creating Interactive Applications in Matplotlib on Vimeo (PyData 2013) and jakevdp/matplotlib_pydata2013
I've been using
%pylab inline
%pylab --no-import-all inline
We should instead use:
%matplotlib inline
to get matplotlib plots to show up inline in the IPython notebook . See 3 - Plotting with Matplotlib.ipynb
Assignment in
Submit a notebook that describes what you've learned about the nature of ambigendered names in the baby names database. (Due date:
Monday, March 10Wed, March 12 at 11:5pm --> bCourses assignment) I'm interested in seeing what you do with the data set in this regard. At the minimum, show that you are able to run Day_13_C_Baby_Names_MF_Completed. Be creative and have fun.