Day 19: Organizing for Projects

Raymond Yee

April 1, 2014 (


Bonus Tutorial Assignment

I know that some of you would like the chance to compensate for how you did on the midterm. (Those of you who are happy with your midterm grade are also welcome to participate.):

Everyone is welcome to create public Tutorials: an IPython Notebook on a topic of relevance to the course, which you may end up presenting to the class in a 5-10 minute tutorial lecture. You will receive 5% for each tutorial that I deem of sufficient quality, up to a max of 4 tutorials; max grade for midterm + tutorials not to exceed 40% in your course grade.

Project Proposal Due tomorrow

Project Proposal

Weekly individual progress reports

I want individual progress reports every week until project presentations in class:

Note: I may be modifying these assignments to have to publish your individual progress reports so that everyone can read them. I may also have us do peer review.


Course as Extended Hackathon

Think of the rest of the course as an extend hackathon -- we're working on building things, teaching each other, and having some fun while learning and doing.

Ask questions of me and each other.

I expect everyone to come to class, and I want your help to make the time we have in class as productive as possible. (Remember the 15% participation grade in the course.)

I'll continue to publish supplementary materials aimed to help you with your projects on different fronts:

#HackFSM kick-off today